1st | Large American Ash overhanging the tee box. Pair of Karee on the left-hand side 100 metres down from tee. |
2nd | White Stinkwood (Celtis Africana – Indigenous) right-hand side. Cork Oak right- hand side 141m from the green. |
3rd | At 229m mark – from the green – on right- hand side Beech 1 63m mark on right-hand side English Oak 141 m mark on left-hand side Rhus Lancea (Black Karee) – good example. Note huge Pin Oak at back of green now neatly trimmed to eye level and branches lifted off the ground – no longer a hazard. |
4th | Note Colour change (autumn yellow) American Ash. At I 78m mark on left-hand side Wild Chestnut. Note beautiful Chestnut at back of green. |
5th | Cork Oak at left of front tee box with a large Evergreen Oak in front of it. Large White Stinkwood on right hand side between giant Pin Oak and giant Evergreen Oak ±220m mark. Note Eugenia in tree form ahead at bunker. Note new planting of Melaleucas on right hand side (yellow shrub-like tree). Note Silver Birch (National Tree of Finland) right hand side. Note Carob tree on right hand side at 90m mark. This tree provides the product that is a substitute for chocolate. Note three Camphor trees on left hand side- opposite Silver Birch. |
6th | By the tap our well known and much discussed Belharmbra (Phytobacca Divica) – Bobbejaan Druifboom. There is another on the 11th waterhole and one hidden just off the 6th. Note Magnificent London Plane on right hand side (One of my favourite trees). Our magnificent three Chestnuts on the left hand side – one of which is not at all well and I fear we have discovered too late. Note very old Camphor as you walk to 7th tee. |
7th | Large old lady (Cedar) on the left-hand side of tee box. Large Pin Oak – Silver Oak – Huge Japanese Elm – American Ash. |
8th | Two small Chestnuts on left-hand side at 191m mark. |
9th | Avocado tree on right-hand side of tee box. Note Tobacco tree on right hand side at 240m mark. Two Combretum (River Bush Willow) on right-hand side of green – many more to he planted all over the course. Pompon trees (Dais Cotonifolio) to right of green, near car park. Norfolk Island Pine (Monkey Puzzle) to right of green, near car park. |
10th | Our five magnificent Pin Oaks are probably amongst the best examples in South Africa. As one leaves the men’s tee and just short of the ladies’ tee there is a good-looking Eugenia on the left-hand side. There are six Chinese Maple on the right-hand side along the fence just before the ladies tee. On the left- hand side, all the way down to the sluice, you will notice Wild Olive, American Ash and Liquidambar. There is an excellent example of Black Karee 30 metres beyond the 257m mark on the left-hand side. Note the American Ash on the right-hand side of the fairway on either side of the sluice. |
11th | The cluster of Pin Oaks just before the bend on the left hand side have recently been thinned out – 100' improvement to this hole. Note the interesting Bulhambra (Bobbejaan druifboom) at the back of the green. There is a new planting of Fever Trees and River Bushwillow on the southern shores of the dam. The Swamp Cypress on the left-hand side, 50 metres before the green, provides seasonal colour interest. There is a Wild Olive just before the bunker on the left- hand side. Note also the indigenous Outeniqua Yellowwood at the left back of the green, one of the best trees on the course. The English Oak, as you walk towards the 12th tee, has now been trimmed to allow light for the grass to grow on the tees. |
12th | Note the eradication of Black Wattle that has taken place and the new planting of indigenous trees. A lot more thorn trees are to be planted in this open area. There is a huge Beech tree at the hack ot the green. |
13th | American Ash on the right-hand side of the men’s tee. Liquidambar on the right-hand side of the ladies’ tee. On the right hand side on the bend against the fence there is a magnificent Quertus Rubra Red Oak. At the 235m mark on the left-hand side are two large Water Oaks or Quertus Nigra. Lots more American Ash on the left-hand side. At the 148m mark on the left-hand side is a cluster of Pin Oaks. Note the Ficus (Evergreen) which is the main feature of this green. More American Ash on the right-hand side of the green. |
14th | The two White Stinkwoods on the approach to the tee are the exotic variety known as Celtis Sinensis, whereas the indigenous Stinkwoods are Celtis Africana. Note the new planting of Wild Pearl (Dombeya) as a feature on the mound on the right- hand side on the 14th fairway. It is recognized by its white flowers from July to September. River Bushwillow (Combretum Erythrophyllum) have also been planted on this mound. |
15th | Camphor tree shading the fountain and Kurrajong and Silky Oak on the right-hand side. |
16th | The Pin Oak on the left-hand side as you leave the men’s tee has been thinned out. American Ash behind the ladies’ tee and two large Poplars. Note 10 Black Karee at the 268m mark. Another great Cork Oak on the right-hand side at the l99m mark. A large Elm adorns the back of the green. |
17th | The ladies’ tee is shaded on the right-hand side by a beautiful London Plane. There are also two Elms on the right-hand side. |
18th | There is a large Elm as you walk down from the 17th green with a bench underneath it. Another Elm on the left-hand side just ahead of the 246m mark. Black Karee on the left f the 181m mark. |